Private Equity Outperforms Public Equity

    Private Equity Outperforms Public Equity   Private equity has nearly always demonstrated that it’s an asset class which produces steadier, more reliable returns than those of public equities.  Notice how after a period of heavy stock market volatility around the world, buyout funds  usually continue to outperform public equity markets in all major


Merger Arbitrage Strategies – Part 2 of 2

      Merger Arbitrage Strategies – Part 2 of a 2 Part Series   Active or Passive Strategies The arbitrageur can generate returns either actively or passively.  Active arbitrageurs purchase enough stock in the target to control the outcome of the merger.  These activist investors initiate sales processes or hold back support from ongoing mergers in


Merger Arbitrage Strategies – Part 1 of 2

      Merger Arbitrage Strategies – Part 1 of a 2 Part Series   Merger arbitrage, otherwise known as “risk arbitrage,” is an investment strategy that primarily focuses on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and capturing the spreads on announced deals. This strategy falls within the category of event-driven investing, which exploits inefficiencies that can


What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 4 of 4

      What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 4 of a 4 Part Series on Exit Strategy   Exit Strategy The exit strategy needs the full support of those given the responsibility for delivering the targets that have been set.  This may be restricted to the owners of a business, but often


What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 3 of 4

      What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 3 of a 4 Part Series on Exit Strategy   Valuation The exit strategy will elucidate many important aspects of the decision to exit. Is there an optimum time to exit? What is the current estimated market value? Does the business currently look attractive


What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 2 of 4

      What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 2 of a 4 Part Series on Exit Strategy   Timeframes Any owner looking to divest within two to three years should start formulating his exit strategy now.  He should assume at least six to nine months of time will be required to complete


What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 1 of 4

      What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 1 of a 4 Part Series on Exit Strategy   All business owners are linked by one simple fact – when they decide to exit their business they want to make sure they get the best deal.  Getting the best deal involves planning for


Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 5 of 5

      Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 5 of a 5 Part Series on MBOs   The MBO Process Undertaking an MBO is a time consuming and complex process.  In general, an MBO will follow a five step process from initiation to completion.  These steps will generally proceed in sequence although there


Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 4 of 5

      Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 4 of a 5 part series on MBOs   Critical Success Factors Management Team Corporate financiers will often say that the three most important ingredients for a successful MBO are “management, management, management” meaning that the quality of the management team is the most important


Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 3 of 5

      Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 3 of a 5 Part Series on MBOs   MBO Benefits An MBO is attractive to both seller and management for several reasons.  Management gains independence and autonomy and an opportunity to influence the future direction of the company with the prospect of significant capital