Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 2 of 5

      Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 2 of a 5 Part Series on MBOs   How are MBOs Structured and Financed? For the sole purpose of buying the company and financing the purchase, management and the financiers often create a new company (“Newco”).   In the most common structure, Newco acquires 100%


Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 1 of 5

      Considering a Management Buyout (MBO)? – Part 1 of a 5 Part Series on MBOs   Then you have probably asked yourself one or more of the following questions: I’ve heard the term MBO but what exactly does one involve? Is an MBO an option for me? How do I bring up


What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 1 of a 4

      What is Your Business Exit Strategy? – Part 1 of a 4 Part Series on Exit Strategy   All business owners are linked by one simple fact – when they decide to exit their business they want to make sure they get the best deal.  Getting the best deal involves planning for


Top Three Ways to Afford the Best Executive Talent

      Top Three Ways to Afford the Best Executive Talent When you are Barely Making Payroll   Good executive talent is easy to find, —IF you can pay for it. If you have the money, you can payroll a great CEO, CFO, General Counsel or even the best employees. If you don’t have


How to Buy a Company

    How to Buy a Company   Don’t buy a company until you’ve done your due diligence You have an incredible opportunity to buy a business. Maybe you’ve known the owner for years or have even worked for him since you finished school. A partner may have brought this incredible opportunity to you and


Outsourcing Corporate Development

      Outsourcing Corporate Development   Most small and medium-sized businesses should consider outsourcing corporate development. They do not otherwise have the time or resources necessary to prepare and plan for the future. They are continually caught up in the details and demands of day-to-day operations and so they are at high risk of


How to Sell a Company

      How to Sell a Company:   There are a number of reasons you might want to sell a company. It has grown and become a success and you have profited. You are ready to retire. You have dreams of doing something new. Perhaps the effort it takes to run your company is


Succession Planning for Business Owners

      Succession Planning for Business Owners   You may have spent your life building your business. It started as a dream, and after a lot of risk, sweat, reward, failure, and a lot of hard work, you have something of value. Your business is an asset and your livelihood. You may be ready